EPA Releases Regulations to Reduce Carbon Emissions

I applaud the Obama administration for taking a firm leadership stance on one of the most serious issues of our time.  While each of us has the power to make a difference individually, the only way we’re going to have a significant impact on climate change is collectively - as a state, as a nation and as one global community.AssemblyHeadshot.jpg

I applaud the President for standing up and taking a bold stance to ensure that the United States leads by example.  New Jersey was poised to do the same until Gov. Christie decided to unilaterally pull our state out of the historic Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

RGGI was a bold first step and would have firmly put New Jersey on a path to achieve the ambitious goals laid out in the President’s new proposal.  It’s not too late for the Governor to rethink his decision.  Instead of officially seeking to nullify our participation in RGGI we should renew our commitment and lead by example so we’re not left in the dust.

